Suboxone treatment is no longer available through our clinic.
Fort Worth Area Drug Addiction Treatment
Dr. Fairweather’s primary sub-specialty is Addiction Medicine. She treats many forms of addiction on an outpatient basis, including alcohol, opiates (heroin, pain pills), stimulants (cocaine, methamphetamine), club drugs (GHB, MDMA [ecstasy]), and cannabis (marijuana).
Alcohol Addiction Treatment
For those patients who drink excessively, outpatient management by Dr. Fairweather mey be an appropriate treatment option. This outpatient management consists of psychiatric medications, including acute detoxification if necessary, as well as appropriate maintenance medications, and brief counseling. More extensive counseling is typically referred to a skilled chemical dependency counselor.
This outpatient alcohol detox program is, however, only for those patients deemed sufficiently medically stable by Dr. Fairweather. Patients not stable enough for Dr. Fairweather’s Ambulatory program will be referred to an inpatient facility for detoxification, then may return to Dr. Fairweather for maintenance treatment.
Your treatment at our clinic will be thorough, respectful, non-judgmental, and private.